Tuesday, May 6, 2008

mind-boggling game

Sauntering the narrow
trails of the woods,
when roses were as perennial
as the grasses of prairie,
you popped out like
a vision from my twilight reverie,
dancing, gyrating with the rustles
of autumn leaves.
I couldn't but succumb to the lure
of your enchanting gestures,
teasing me with your naughty smile
as I drew closer
delighting in the fragrance you
left in the air.

Come now, halt that elusiveness!

I could almost taste the lather in all this.
there was no stopping between
thorny bushes.
Like a moth to a flame,
I was a fool playing your
mind-boggling game
only to lose you at a
second's blink.
The world spinned around me
deciphering the mystery
in every rotation.

Now amidst the ruins
of this denuded castle
where you suddenly
vanished into oblivion
I was a wretched soul
dwelling in each debris
waiting for your vision
to make me whole again.

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